
Local Business Stories from the Hallett Cove Business Association
Foster Fitness – a Tumultuous Covid19 Time

Foster Fitness – a Tumultuous Covid19 Time

We live life forwards but only understand it backwards. Living this one forward in the first half of this year was tumultuous and difficult. Looking backwards there was generosity both ways – generosity was both given, and received, by Andy.

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Business Awards 2017

Business Awards 2017

The Hallett Cove Business Association was pleased to once again host the Annual Business Awards in 2017. The 2017 Business Awards Night was celebrated on 31 July 2017 at the Cove Civic Centre.Congratulations to Business of the Year 2017 – Hallett Cove Bakery.

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Got a story?

Do you know anyone we can interview, or would you like to be interviewed about your Covid19 business story? Simply drop us an email and we’ll do the rest. Email us on if you would like to be interviewed.