Harcourts Plus
Harcourts Plus is a brand within a brand. We do everything you expect from an agent… plus!
We service suburbs around Hallett Cove, Sheidow Park, Trott Park and Marino.
We can also expose your property to the international market via Juwai.com – wowu88.com – squarefoot.com.hk – au.myfun.com.
We successfully sell real estate along the Adelaide coastline and offer superior services such as Luxury Property Selection for homes priced in excess of $1,000,000.
Finding your buyer can come from many avenues in today’s active market. We work hard to keep an active, clean database of buyers with consistent communication of their needs by suburb and price.
Be first to get property alerts on your mobile. As a priority buyer we value your business and keep you up-to-date in today’s fast pace real estate market by knowing which properties are coming to the market, before the public know.