Voting Closed
For the Hallett Cove Business Association’s
2023 Local Business Awards

Winners announced on Friday 17th November

Award Categories
Best Dining / Take Away / Coffee / Catering
Best Tradie
Best Health / Beauty / Wellbeing Provider
Best Professional Service
Best Outlet in Hallett Cove Shopping Centre
Best Community Club or Organisation
Best Micro / Home Based Business
Voting closed 14th October 2023
Award Terms and Conditions
Eligible Businesses
Any business in the 5158 postcode can be nominated. Businesses in the immediate vicinity who service the 5158 region are also eligible. Any Hallett Cove Business Member (regardless of where they are located) are eligible. HCBA committee members can be nominated for the general awards but will not be eligible for Business of the Year Award.
You can vote for as many businesses you like but you cannot vote for the same business in the same category more than once. Any duplicate votes for the same business in the same category will not be eligible.
Each eligible vote will be entered into a draw to win $200 worth of vouchers to local businesses. These vouchers cannot be exchanged for cash.
Category Winners – How they are decided
Public Nomination and Voting Period
Sep 27th – October 14th 2023
The top 5 businesses in each category with the most votes will be finalists.
Submission Period
15th-28th October 2023
The top 5 businesses will be invited to complete a submission, which will include details of their businesses, for example
- clientele type
- business practices
- environment
- what they contribute to our community
Once submissions have been received, a panel, which will include members of the Hallett Cove Business Association committee and an external party (eg, City of Marion employee or councillor / Local Political Representative) will review the submissions and decide on the Award Winners (based on merit).
Winners Announced
Winners will be announced on Friday 17th November at the Cove Civic Centre at an exclusive (invitation only) Presentation Dinner.
Award Categories
- Best Dining / Take Away / Coffee / Catering
- Best Tradie
- Best Health / Beauty / Wellbeing Provider
- Best Professional Service (eg Accountant / Real Estate Agent / etc)
- Best Outlet in Hallett Cove Shopping Centre
- Best Community Club or Organisation
- Best Micro / Home Based Business
Business of the Year – one of the category award winners.
Business Winners
The businesses awarded will each receive a plaque, certificate and a bottle of sparkling wine and promotional opportunities.
Business of the Year prize: $500 worth of vouchers to local businesses. Other prizes may be made available depending on the sponsorship. These vouchers cannot be exchanged for cash.